Shampoo Bar: How to use one and get the best results.

7 simple steps make it an easy transition away from liquid shampoo – skipping the harsh chemicals and plastic bottle.

1. Wet your hair.

2. Create a lather on the bar.

3. Gently swipe the bar downward across various sections of your hair.

4. Place the bar on a soap dish.

5. Use your hands to wash your hair as usual.

6. Rinse and use conditioner if necessary.

7. Smile! 😊

It is really easy to use a shampoo bar.

Thoroughly wet all your hair. Once completely wet, take the round Tangie shampoo bar in your hand and create a gentle lather by rubbing it between your hands—effortless and immediate! Massage the luxurious lather onto your hair. Rinse out the shampoo and, if desired, follow up with conditioner.

Shampoo bars provide an eco-friendly and efficient alternative to traditional liquid shampoos

Storing Your Shampoo Bar: Drier the Better

How to use a shampoo bar to the best of its ability is to make sure it has a nice spot to dry. A zero waste shampoo bar has no packaging, so be sure to opt for a soap dish that facilitates air circulation around the bar. The less time one sits in water, the longer it will last.

We connected with a wonderful artisan who hand makes Tangie custom soap dishes from reclaimed wood. These unique round dying disks, add a touch of beauty to any decor.

Debunked: The Shampoo Bar Edition

Shampoo bars don’t last long.

If you wash your hair twice a day and have hair to your hips, you may find this bar doesn’t last as long but on average, a Tangie Shampoo Bars lasts 50+ washes.

Shampoo bars are not allowed in carry-on luggage.

Tangie solid shampoo bars are allowed per TSA rules and permitted in your carry-on and checked luggage. Enjoy a spill-free, zero-waste hair adventure. Looking for the best travel container for a shampoo bar? Use this cotton cloth travel pouch for soap bars! You can drop wet bars in and not worry about getting anything in your suitcase wet.

Shampoo bars do not perform as well as liquid shampoos.

False! Tangie Shampoo Bars are just as effective, offering a plastic-free hair care solution. You will be pleasantly surprised how well your hair looks and feels without a lot of the harsh ingredients found in most bottled shampoos.

Shampoo bars are difficult to use.

As explained above it is easy how to use a shampoo bar. The one caveat – if you have difficulty holding a round object. The Tangie shampoo bars are rounder than fat, so it is not like trying to hold a tennis ball, it is much flatter than that.

Soap Free Shampoo Bar

Tangie shampoos are hand-pressed in the United States and designed to lather beautifully, not requiring the lye process present in soap making. With a hair-friendly pH of about 8, they outshine lye-based bars with a pH of 10+, making them an effective shampoo.

If you haven’t yet tried shampoo bar, we highly recommend a Tangie shampoo bar – and pair it with a Tangie conditioner bar. Your hair – and the planet – will thank you with every wash.