Make your own custom waste free laundry detergent jug by adding one of these stickers to the laundry container of your choice. The sticker is the perfect little reminder and instructions to use our plastic free laundry soap.
Zero waste laundry paste:
Our laundry paste is just like the current liquid laundry soap you use, only difference is that we guarantee our best plastic free laundry detergent does not contain the harmful chemicals and plastic bottle waste! This is a paste concentrate-to-liquid formulation you dissolve at home using your own water and your own container. Try our waste free laundry detergent today.
Get This ProductLaundry Stain Remover Bar:
Our natural stain remover really works + smells great! It’s a great buy along with our waste free laundry detergent. Say goodbye to harmful chemicals and invite the love of mother nature into your life.
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